Category Archives: Prediction

[GMS] MASSIVE Updates This Summer?

So it’s almost Summer. This means that one of the on-seasons for the biggest updates of the year is right around the corner. But this Summer is slightly different from the usual. Unlike previous Summers when we had an idea of exactly what major update we would be getting, this Summer we’re not quite sure. This is quite simply because there is SO MUCH CONTENT on the pipeline for Global MS. Like, LOADS.

I mean there’s Monster Life (probably coming in June), Demon Avenger, Xenon, Thunder Breaker revamp, Wind Archer revamp, Dawn Warrior revamp, class revamps, general reorganizations, the level cap increase, the damage cap increase, etc. Some of this content came relatively recently to KMS and will probably be pushed into the Fall. BUT much of this content is quite old in KMS and with KMS expected to release a huge update this Summer, it’s clear that the Summer will also be a big one for Global MS.

These are my chances that we’ll receive the content BY THE END OF THE MONTH listed. These predictions are made with many assumptions and are therefore subject to change (A LOT of change).

Demon Avenger

June: 50%
July: 99%


June: 30%
July: 99%
August: 99%

Read the rest of this entry

[GMS] Mikhail This September; Tempest Almost Confirmed For December/January

We now know what was likely from the beginning. That the Mikhail class would be pushed in off-season in order to ensure the release of the Tempest update this Winter. Mikhail, the knight of light, will arrive in Global MapleStory in September 2012. This was revealed on the official MapleStory Twitter page just a few hours ago. GlobalMS may be the first service outside of Korea to receive this class.

This development just about confirmed that the Tempest update which includes the classes of Luminous, Kaiser and Angelic Burster will be released this Winter.

[GMS] My Advance of the Union and Justice Predictions [Jan. 3, 2012]

There are a few changes to my predictions for the Union and Justice updates.

Firstly, let’s highlight my correctness in the predictions of the Legends dates.

I predicted the first Legends update for December 7, 2011. It arrived on December 7.

I predicted the second Legends update for December 21, 2011. I was 3 days late, with it arriving on December 19.

I predicted the third Legends update for January 11, 2012. It will arrive on January 11.

But yeah, on to Union and Justice. The percentage chances predicted below are the chance that we will receive the first part of each major update in the month stated. It is also my accurate prediction for the chance that we will receive the update in the month stated if we receive it as one update instead of in parts like in KoreaMS.

Advance of the Union

March: 35%
April: 45%
May: 10%
June: 10%


Early or Middle June: 7%
Late June/Early or Middle July: 85%
Late July or August: 8%

[GMS] My Advance of the Union and Justice Predictions

The percentage chances predicted below are the chance that we will receive the first part of each major update in the month stated.

Advance of the Union

March: 30%
April: 45%
May: 10%
June: 10%
July: 5%


May: >1%
June: 15%
July (or very late June): 70%
August: 15%

I say we’ll get the Advance of the Union (revamps) as our Spring update and then the bigger Justice update with the new classes over the Summer.

[GMS] Legend and ‘Jump Season 2’ Predictions

Legend is coming and it’s coming fast. But as we issue in Legend, we now have what is being called ‘Jump Season 2’, a series of three updates in KMS which revamps all classes, to look forward to.


Assuming that we follow the same three update schedule that KoreaMS went through, I can predict the following:

1st Legend update: Cannon Shooter class, New World: ‘Legend’: December 7, 2011

2nd Legend update: Mercedes class, New World: ‘Cosmo’: December 21, 2011

3rd Legend update: Demon Slayer class: January 11, 2012

I’m 80% sure about the date of the first update, 60% sure about the date of the 2nd and 30% sure about the date of the 3rd. I’ll get more certain towards certain dates as we get closer to the updates.

Jump Season 2

I’ll explain my reasoning behind these predicts soon. But here are my predictions for the FIRST update (if we get it in more than one update). The months that we will have the update by:

March: 25%
April: 30%
May: 30%
June: 40%
July: 70%
August: 100%

So as you can see, I’m really leaning towards a Summer 2012 release date, but I don’t rule out Spring 2012.

Keep posted for more details!

The Reason I Predict Legend For This Winter

Update: And Nexon has done what I think is best and is on track for a Winter 2011 release of Legend as they release Ascension on September 28!

Some people have been asking why I insist on Legend coming to GlobalMS this Winter (December/January), rather than Spring 2012 (March/April) or Summer 2012 (June/July)  after reading my recent post with my predictions on Jump! and Legend’s arrivals.

The thing is that Legend features three new classes. THREE NEW CLASSES. Unless Nexon has lost their minds, they won’t release three new classes at any time other than Winter or Summer. Sure, Spring Break is a good time to release a big update (such as Evan in late March 2011), but it’s not very likely that THREE new classes will be released then. And since the next Summer is ten/eleven months away, I doubt we’ll be waiting that long. So the only logical time for the release of Legend is December 2011/January 2012. That is unless we plan to pull a MapleSEA and not release it until next Summer while receiving filler patches of events until then, like SEA did with Big Bang.

It’s not hard to predict that Legend will arrive this Winter. It’s hard to predict where Jump! will fit into this whole situation. But whatever Nexon has planned, I’m sure it’ll be for the best and I’m sure some exclusive content will be coming with it!