The Reason I Predict Legend For This Winter

Update: And Nexon has done what I think is best and is on track for a Winter 2011 release of Legend as they release Ascension on September 28!

Some people have been asking why I insist on Legend coming to GlobalMS this Winter (December/January), rather than Spring 2012 (March/April) or Summer 2012 (June/July)  after reading my recent post with my predictions on Jump! and Legend’s arrivals.

The thing is that Legend features three new classes. THREE NEW CLASSES. Unless Nexon has lost their minds, they won’t release three new classes at any time other than Winter or Summer. Sure, Spring Break is a good time to release a big update (such as Evan in late March 2011), but it’s not very likely that THREE new classes will be released then. And since the next Summer is ten/eleven months away, I doubt we’ll be waiting that long. So the only logical time for the release of Legend is December 2011/January 2012. That is unless we plan to pull a MapleSEA and not release it until next Summer while receiving filler patches of events until then, like SEA did with Big Bang.

It’s not hard to predict that Legend will arrive this Winter. It’s hard to predict where Jump! will fit into this whole situation. But whatever Nexon has planned, I’m sure it’ll be for the best and I’m sure some exclusive content will be coming with it!

Posted on August 25, 2011, in Global MapleStory, Prediction, Update. Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. Good prediction – the nexon will do the best part.

  2. And I’m sure I will pull my hair out of frustration if they come up with a even worse exclusive content than before…

    Wait, Zach you sneaky bastard. You have contact with someone from Nexon America. You already know that they will release it 1 year after Resistance, just like KMS did. You already know it because your friend told you so !

  3. skullowl :
    That’s badass,i want to work at Nexon,but im working to become a big Dubstep artist.

    cool goodluck with that, I’m studying and hoping ot become like a community manager, but I realised that to be that, you must have some other skills, so I will try and teach myself with help of the internet and maybe some books coding. That way I can hopefully on day be like Luis Reyers, be a badass community manager and help out with coding and problems 🙂
    Don’t know anything about codes know, but I’m only 2 years behind a friend of mine who followed a class like that the last 2 years in high school… Let’s hope for the best, I wish you all the luck man 🙂

    To Zach : What kind of hints did your contacts gave you on previous updates ? Did they say thing like : Yeah I love cake, but we are still debating if pie is better, during january 2011 ?
    Or do they work with codes like, The eagle has spotted two preys and can’t decide wich one to take ?
    Finaly question, when did you work for Nexon, for howlong and what did you design there, sandwiches ?

    • I hope you become succsesfull in that ^ ^.

    • You’re hilarious you know. Everytime you ask me about a job of mine, or someone I know, you always ask if it has something to do with making sandwiches. LOL. But no. This was actually only for a short time when I was still in college. I was a concept artist.

      For some time before the Visitors they had been telling me things such as “Omega Sector doesn’t provide adequate protection to Maple World” and “The aliens, they’re coming”. Just things like that that they mention that gets me curious.

      • Dude,thats amazing,thats exactly what i would want to do if i worked there.

        • “I listen to dubstep and love to draw”
          “love to draw”
          Why haven’t I noticed that part before. I noticed the part about listening to dubstep but not about the loving to draw. A job in art is the best thing ever in my opinion, especially when it has to do with games or music. I was a concept artist at Nexon and now I’m a game artist at Blizzard.

          • Oh fucking shit are you serious!?!?!,dude you are now my idol along with Flux Pavilion and Skream.

            • Wait, wait. That was supposed to say…
              I’ve become a lot of people’s idols since I started this blog two years ago and I don’t see why. I don’t really do much O.O. You should just make sure that when you’re older and stuff you’ll be so pro that you can become my idol :).

  4. msupdate :
    I’ve become a lot of people’s idols since I started this blog two years ago and I don’t see why. I don’t really do much O.O. You should just make sure that when you’re older and stuff you’ll be so pro that I can be your idol .

    I am your one and only true fan T-T

    But now in all seriousness, what did you create for Nexon ? Please don’t tell me it’s CvP else I will seek you out, and I will give you a nice little push so you will step in dog sh!t.
    Or did then never publish the art you made ingame xD (sorry if that’s true).
    And why did you leave, or is it like Blizzard, that the game was finished.
    BTW, how is the game you are working on now getting allong, any good progress, if you are allowed to talk about it ?

    • Of course you are robbin -F3-. I like F3ing.

      Like I said, I was only there for a short time but I helped decorate Nexon’s PAX boost from 2009 with huge DFO paintings. I worked on a lot of other assets for PAX and other designs around the Nexon office. I never touched anything in-game.

      I can’t disclose much of course because of the NDA, but development is going surprisingly smoothly.

  5. msupdate :
    Of course you are robbin -F3-. I like F3ing.
    Like I said, I was only there for a short time but I helped decorate Nexon’s PAX boost from 2009 with huge DFO paintings. I worked on a lot of other assets for PAX and other designs around the Nexon office. I never touched anything in-game.
    I can’t disclose much of course because of the NDA, but development is going surprisingly smoothly.

    Thank you 🙂

    It was a mmorpg like WoW right ? Release date was 2012 right ? or somewhere near that o_0
    Do you have any picture of stuff you designed, I would like to see your work as what you made for Nexon and Activision-Blizzard. I really liked those pics you showed me some time ago, with that orc like thing with the spear, and the creative board with random stuff 😉

    • I can’t tell you the genre since the game hasn’t been unveiled yet, but it’s an MMO. Hopefully sometime in 2013. And of course I can’t show you what I’ve designed in the game. The white board is pro and fun to doodle on.

  6. msupdate :
    Nah, as a developer I’m under a NDA and can’t disclose any details unless I’m given permission, which I haven’t been given.

    What did you create for Nexon America.. not just “I created banners” but more like “I created the [banner name} banner with some other people because I’m to nooby to do it myself ;)”

    • I didn’t create anything that you can see right now. You’d either have to go to Nexon’s office or go back in time to Nexon’s PAX 2009 booth to see what I helped design.

  7. msupdate :
    I didn’t create anything that you can see right now. You’d either have to go to Nexon’s office or go back in time to Nexon’s PAX 2009 booth to see what I helped design.

    What’s PAX, or do ya mean where they show off stuff like E3, but then only for Nexon games…. What was it that you made so terrible that they just threw it away to never be looked at again, and have the remains locked in behind the same door as Christmas Tree Map xD
    Speaking of wich, in the CvP video of Nexon, they showed both Hunters luck (free exp coupons <3) and christmass tree map (hack fest) behind locked door, acting like they would never make mistakes like those. I understand the christmas tree, but why Hunter Luck, what was so bad about it ?

    • PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) is a gamer festival. Yeah, it’s somewhat similar to E3. It’s not only for Nexon games. Well I designed assets specifically for that event, like a DFO banner since that was when Nexon announced DFO.

      Nothing was wrong with Hunters’ Luck. Everyone loves it. Why it was behind the locked door is a mystery.

  8. msupdate :
    PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) is a gamer festival. Yeah, it’s somewhat similar to E3. It’s not only for Nexon games. Well I designed assets specifically for that event, like a DFO banner since that was when Nexon announced DFO.
    Nothing was wrong with Hunters’ Luck. Everyone loves it. Why it was behind the locked door is a mystery.

    I remember when that got to EMS, or I played it in GMS, at least it was some time ago. And I remember 1 specific smega of someone random while I was training and I saw it at Zmush.. sort of, it was something like this : is KSing me, he is jealous of my 5x exp 🙂
    Man I LOVE hunter luck, didn’t it give like 3x exp ?

  9. So Jump are coming to GMS in 28/9 in 1 patch right? So that mean legend are coming on this X-mas.

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