Category Archives: Combat Arms: Line of Sight

Recent Events: Combat Arms America and Europe Merge; Cyphers Shuts Down in China and Taiwan

So popping back to life at last there’s certainly been a heck of a lot which I’ve missed out on posting about. Two of those things are Combat Arms going transatlantic and the Chinese service of Cyphers being shut down.

As of June 30 2015, Combat Arms Europe and Combat Arms America have merged into a single service managed primarily by Nexon Europe. Both Nexon Europe and Nexon America accounts can now be used to log into the game. As it’s the pre-merge European client that is being used for this unified service, previous Combat Arms America players may notice some minor differences in game content due to prior localization differences. Servers for three regions (Europe, North America, Global) are available for play. The united service seeks to bring together Combat Arms’ 7 million European users and 6 million North American users so that Nexon can “provide the best possible service to the dedicated Combat Arms community” and will be available for play in English, German, Italian, Polish and Turkish. Nexon America appears to be keeping Combat Arms present on its game portal. The English website can be accessed at

This merge comes as both Nexon America and Nexon Europe are running the beta testing phases of brand new first-person shooter (FPS) games. Nexon America’s Splash Damage-developed Dirty Bomb is presently in its open beta phase ( while Nexon Europe prepares the next beta test for Combat Arms: Line of Sight (

Meanwhile, both the Chinese and Taiwanese services of 3D multiplayer online battle area (MOBA) game Cyphers Online have been shut down. The contract period between Nexon and respective publishers Tiancity and Gamania expired and were not renewed. The title from Nexon-owned studio Neople, the developers of Dungeon Fighter Online, strove to appeal to a similar base as the global phenomenon League of Legends but has clearly failed to connect as well as anticipated. The Korean service of the game enjoyed success for a period but its community has waned in recent times.

[CALS] Combat Arms: Line of Sight Closed Beta Begins March 31

Combat Arms: Line of Site Nexon Europe will launch the closed beta for multiplayer online first-person shooter Combat Arms: Line of Sight on March 31. The closed beta will run until April 2 and will be available for play only in Europe and in the languages of English, German, Spanish, Turkish and French. Driven by the powerful and versatile Unreal Engine 3, the new title will feature sharp visuals, almost unlimited and visible weapon customization and unique superhuman powers. The closed beta content will include four diverse game maps, six different game modes, seventeen unique superhuman powers and combat senses and a variety of customizable weapons. The game is developed by Seoul-based BlackSpot Entertainment and its European release is its global debut. For more information on the game and its closed beta service, check out the official website and the official Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) post. Combat Arms: Line of Sight is the fourth online first-person shooter (FPS) from Nexon Europe who has seen much success from the genre. Nexon America has no plans to launch the game in North America at this time.