[NXEU] Will Nexon Europe Take Over Service of Atlantica?

Nexon Europe has been on a roll recently with the launch of Mabinogi and Fantage earlier this year and the announcement of the great Vindictus. But will Nexon Europe also take over service of Atlantica for European players from NDOORS Interactive? NDOORS Interactive was acquired into Nexon Corporation earlier this year and since then many publishing agreements have been formed, especially in Japan. The European service of Atlantica is currently being serviced along with the American service by NDOORS Interactive. In a new release some time ago it was said that “Nexon will work with NDOORS to launch Atlantica in Europe”. That made me think. Is Nexon planning on publishing a localized version of Atlantica for Europe instead of making Europe and American share the same servers?

Then this picture was released.

That pictures shows a well with a poster of the Nexon Europe and NDOORS Interactive logos and the game logos of MapleStory, Combat Arms, Mabinogi, Fantage, Vindictus and Atlantica. “TROY” is the latest expansion to Atlantica.

If Nexon Europe does launch Atlantica it will be their sixth game after three years while Nexon America only published six games after five years.

Posted on August 20, 2010, in International Nexon, NDOORS. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. wait .. im confused , do ya mean that nexon europe wil maybe take over ATLANTICA ONLINE ? if so ….. why , isn’t it that ATLANTICA ONLINE still has other publisers ?

    • Currently North American, South American and European services of Atlantica are on the same server services by NDOORS. It is possible that Nexon Europe will create a server only for Europe by breaking away from the North American and South American server. The North American and South American service will still be publish by NDOORS.

      • but .. uhm .. im confused … so lets call it company (A) that runs Atlantica online now …
        company (A) is running it now … but nexon EU want to take over / copie the game and develop it in a seperate version ( the EU version ) so for that EU version instead of company (A) running it now nexon america runs it ?
        but the other versions are still run by company (A) ..
        and i downloaded the game a little while ago , and if im not mistaking its run by either ERIA GAMES ( or something ) or by ijji

        • I’ll try to explain it to you more. First the thing about it being run by ijji. It is also published by NDOORS. What happened here is that NDOORS licensed Atlantica to ijji before ndoors (too lazy to capitalize) had a North American branch. When ndoors came to North America they wanted to publish Atlantica but didn’t want to take it away from ijji. So now ndoors and ijji co-publish the North American, South American and European servers.

          Now the other part. Think of it this way. GMS was launched in May 2005. The three main service areas of GMS that everyone talked about were America (North and South), Australia and Europe. Then in May 2007 Nexon Europe came along and took over the European service of MapleStory. So now instead of North America and Europe sharing the same server, North America and Europe have different servers.

          Currently ndoors publishes a single server for America and Europe in one. From what I can see it looks like Nexon Europe may take over the European service leaving the American service to ndoors. Nexon Europe will open a new server for Europe instead of making Europe have to share the same server with America.

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